What exactly are the tasks of a vehicle interior designer? RECARO Automotive Seating is answering this question during the exhibition “Forum für Talente” taking place from July 4th to August 4th all around Kirchheim's city center. The project especially covers apprenticeships that aren’t too well-known. Ten trainees from local companies have been interviewed and are giving an insight in their interesting work environment. Pictures and reports on their individual experiences: www.forumfuertalente.de. “We are happy to support this project and to present our vocational training as a vehicle interior designer, which is less well-known than others – but surely as interesting, challenging and diverse,” said Markus Kussmaul, Executive Director of the Adient specialty seating group and responsible for the worldwide business of RECARO Performance Car Seating. “Our apprentices have the chance to fully participate right from the beginning and are part of a global leading company, setting standards worldwide.” Since the plant has been founded, more than 300 young people have been trained at RECARO Automotive Seating in Kirchheim. For young adults planning on being a vehicle interior designer, the manufacturer of premium seats is the only company in the region offering this option. Skilled craftsmanship, diligence, three-dimensional imagination and having fun handling numbers and figures – only some of the talents demanded. The apprenticeship is based on a dual system. Every two weeks, the trainees are visiting theory lessons at the Kerschensteinerschule in Stuttgart-Feuerbach. After the vocational training there is the possibility of a further training as an Interior Designer or to certify as an Industrial Master. In Kirchheim there is also the opportunity of a vocational training as an Industrial Clerk: during the apprenticeship the trainees get to know the areas of management, distribution and logistics.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our products or services. The RECARO service team or your local RECARO partner will be happy to assist you.