With the Focus RS, Ford is setting new standards in the compact sports car segment in 2016. The RS, “Rally Sports” four-wheel drive is backed by a 2.3L motor offering 350 horsepower and a top speed of 266 km/h (165 mph). To help the driver keep perfect control over this powerful pack, the interior features sport seats from RECARO Automotive Seating, guaranteeing correct ergonomics, optimal feedback and maximum security, along with sporty looks. “We’ve been part of the RS family for many years now,” says Markus Kussmaul, vice president of sales and marketing at RECARO Automotive Seating. “The first tests in 2016 have shown that Ford has once again built an exceptional car, one that will delight fans of high-performance vehicles around the world. An expert jury of the British magazine ‘Vehicle Dynamics International’ recently awarded the RS as the ‘Car of the Year 2016’. Being on board demonstrates that RECARO seats are the first choice when fulfilling sophisticated sporty demands.” RECARO’s development of the production seat for the Focus RS is based on the Ford seats installed in the standard version of the car, but features characteristics that typify RECARO such as combining ergonomic design and maximum security with sporty looks and a superior seating experience. For even more sportiness, the car can be equipped with optionally available Recaro bucket seats, based on the RECARO Sportster CS. To give the RECARO feeling to all passengers, this configuration also includes RECARO back seats as standard equipment.
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